Scientific events


International Conferences

  • SPIE Photonics West:
    International conference taking place every year in San Francisco, USA. Member of the scientific committee since 2012 for the conference track on Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control.
  • NOLTA symposium:
    International symposium organized every year in a different country by IEICE, which is a Japanese scientific society focused on electronic, information and communication engineering. Member of the program committee of the 2012 edition (Palma de Mallorca, Spain), and Associate Guest Editor for the corresponding special issue of the NOLTA journal.

    Summer Schools

  • Nonlinear Dynamics in Peyresq:
    Summer school organized every year in the small mountain village of Peyresq, in the south-east of France (Alpes de Haute-Provence). This summer school aimed at gathered all the communities involved in nonlinear dynamics, and enhance interactions between mathematicians (applied and pure) and physicists (theore-ticians and experimentalists). Member of the organization committee in 2013, 2014, and 2015.
  • Hands-on School: Research on Complex Systems:
    Summer school promoting cutting-edge science with affordable experimental means for developing countries, initiated by Harry Swinney, Kenneth Showalter and Rajarshi Roy. The initial conferences were held in India (2008), Brazil (2009), Cameroon (2010), and China (2012), before settling permanently in 2013 at ICTP, Trieste (Italy). The participants have the opportunity to participate to hands-on sessions on various topics related to complexity in dynamical systems, such as fluid dynamics, biomechanics, or molecular biology, just to name a few. These hands-on sessions involve training on both the experimental and theoretical aspects of the investigated topics. Member of the faculty group in 2016 (hands-on session on experimental optoelectronic systems using optical fibers).

    International Year of Light (IYL 2015) Workshops

  • Workshop on nonlinear phenomena in optics – theory and experiments:
    International workshop organized in november 2015 in Besançon, France, and aiming at gather physicists and mathematicians around some open problems in nonlinear optics. Co-organized with Mariana Haragus (Univ. Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France).
  • Workshop at the IEEE Africon Conference:
    International workshop held in september 2015 within the framework of the 2015 IEEE Africon conference in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia. The main focus was photonics research for development. Co-organized with Andrew Forbes (Univ. Witwatersrand, South-Africa).
  • Workshop on sensors, solar energy and telecommunications:
    International workshop organized in november 2015 in Yaoundé, Cameroon, with the sponsorship IEEE, SPIE and OSA, and ICTP. The focus was photonic research and training for economic development. Co-organized with Paul Woafo (Univ. Yaoundé I, Cameroon).