Other publications


Highlight article

Toward whispering-gallery-mode disk resonators for metrological applications
Yanne K. Chembo, Lukas M. Baumgartel and Nan Yu
SPIE Newsroom, March 2012. [pdf][online]


Book chapters

  • Second-order Nonlinear Effects and Photon Scattering in Ultrahigh-Q Crystalline WGMRs
    Guoping Lin and Yanne K. Chembo
    Ultra-High-Q Optical Microcavities, (2020).
    Edited by Y.-F. Xiao, C.-L. Zou, Q. Gong and L. Yang, World Scientific.
  • Dynamical regimes in Kerr optical frequency combs: Theory and experiments
    Aurélien Coillet, Nan Yu, Curtis R. Menyuk and Yanne K. Chembo
    Recent advances in nonlinear optical cavities, 163 (2016).
    Edited by Philippe Grelu, Wiley & Sons Publishers.
  • Optimization of chaos synchronization and pattern formation in a lattice of nonlinear
    oscillators and semiconductor lasers

    Y. Chembo Kouomou and P. Woafo
    Recent Research Developments in Physics 3, 577 (2002).
    Edited by S. G. Pandalai, Transworld Research Network.

    Academic publications

  • 2011: Habilitation (Univ. Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France)
    “Microwave photonic systems and applications in aerospace and telecommunication engineering” (in French) [pdf]
  • 2006: PhD in Photonics* (Univ. Balearic Islands, Spain)
    “Nonlinear Dynamics of Semiconductor Laser Systems with Feedback: Applications to Optical Chaos Cryptography, Radar Frequency Generation, and Transverse Mode Control” [pdf]
    Advisor: Prof. Pere Colet.
  • 2005: PhD in Physics* (Univ. Yaounde I, Cameroon)
    “Contribution for the Exploitation of Coherent and Incoherent Phenomena in Telecommunications” [pdf]
    Advisor: Prof. Paul Woafo.

    (*): The two PhD thesis were strictly independent, and were undertaken while residing in Spain (2002-2006).