Other courses

Below goes a list of some of the lectures I recurrenty gave at the University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in Besançon, France, between 2010 and 2016.


Advanced Nonlinear and Stochastic Dynamics in Photonics:

This lecture is an advanced course of doctoral level on the topic of nonlinear and stochastic analysis. The main learning outcome of the course is ability to understand and build nonlinear and stochastic models for various physical systems, with emphasis on photonic systems. The lecture covers:
– Fundamental principles of nonlinear dynamics
– Bifurcations and their classifications
– Applications of nonlinear dynamics to lasers and photonic oscillators
– Fundamental principles of stochastic analysis
– Itô and Stratonovitch calculus
– Applications of stochastic calculus to lasers and photonic oscillators.


Physics of Nonlinear Phenomena:

This Master degree lecture is an introduction to nonlinear oscillations with an emphasis on optoelectronic systems. The lecture covers:
– Existence of weak and strong nonlinear oscillation regimes
– Notion of envelope equation
– Asymptotic perturbation methods for weakly nonlinear oscillations
– Method of averaging and Method of multiple time scales
– Phenomenological analysis of strongly nonlinear oscillations
– Liénard transformation
– Relaxation oscillations.


Advanced Numerical Methods in Photonics:

This Master degree lecture provides the tools to investigate numerically a large set of complex problems arising in photonic systems. The lecture covers:
– Ordinary differential equations
– Arrays of coupled differential equations
– Delay differential equations
– Stochastic differential equations
– Partial differential equations.


Scientific communication:

This lecture is proposed to graduate and senior undergarduate students. It intends to improve their scientific communication skills, in particular for written, oral and poster presentations.